What is SALT based on?
SALT is rigorously science-based. At the heart of the tool are eight leadership styles, that are systematically varied according to a validated model. A clever algorithm is used to calculate the style best suited to meet the needs of each stakeholder.

How can I use SALT?
To use SALT, please go to the “Using SALT” tab at the top of the page or click here. SALT stores your anonymized scores for research purposes. After agreeing to this, please enter the license code you received to enter the app.

How can I get a license?
If you don’t have a license code, please contact the business director of the Amsterdam Leadership Lab (Wendy Andrews) at: w.g.andrews@vu.nl

How do you handle personal data?
The current version of SALT only stores anonymized scores and license codes, and these scores and codes are only used for research purposes
and to further improve the app. No personal data are stored in the present version. This includes IP addresses. Hence, none of the information
that you enter can be traced back to you personally in any possible way.
However, as different license codes are given out to different
organizations we are able to trace back data that you entered to your organization. To ensure the privacy of individuals in organizations, all license
codes come with the right to use the app multiple times (minimum 3 times). Moreover, organizations do not inform us whom they provided these codes
to nor do we share any scores with organizations.